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गोल्डफिश का साइंटिफिक नाम क्या है Gold Fish Ka scientific Naam Kiya Hai.

गोल्डफिश का साइंटिफिक नाम क्या है सुनहरीमछली कार्टिलाजिनस मछली के परिवार से संबंधित है, जो कि साइप्रिनिडिडे के क्रम में है, और इसलिए इसका नाम है। इसे आमतौर पर एक्वैरियम में पालतू जानवर के रूप में रखा जाता है, और इसलिए यह एक्वैरियम उत्साही लोगों के बीच बहुत लोकप्रिय है। विभिन्न प्रकार की जीवन स्थितियों के अनुकूल होने के कारण उत्तरी अमेरिका के कई हिस्सों में कैद में रखी गई सुनहरी मछली अक्सर आक्रमणकारी बन जाती है। इसलिए, अपनी सुनहरी मछली के प्राकृतिक इतिहास को समझना महत्वपूर्ण है ताकि उनसे सर्वोत्तम संभव तरीके से निपटा जा सके। उसके लिए, आपको यह जानना होगा कि आपके क्षेत्र में किस प्रकार की सुनहरीमछली मौजूद हैं।

The goldfish belongs to the family of cartilaginous fish in the order Cyprinididae, and hence the name which it bears. It is also commonly kept as a pet, in aquariums, and hence is very popular among aquarium enthusiasts. Goldfish kept in captivity often become an invader in many parts of North America due to their adaptability to various kinds of living conditions. Hence, it is important to understand the natural history of your goldfish in order to deal with them in the best possible manner. For that, one needs to know what kind of goldfish species are present in your area.

तीन मुख्य प्रकार की सुनहरी मछली हैं: दक्षिण अमेरिकी, काली और लाल। इन किस्मों में से प्रत्येक की अपनी शारीरिक बनावट, आदतें और रंग हैं। सुनहरीमछली की भौतिक विशेषताएं इसकी प्रकृति का निर्धारण करने में आपकी सहायता कर सकती हैं। कुछ किस्मों के रंग को छोड़कर ये सभी किस्में एक जैसी दिखती हैं। सुनहरी मछली की अधिक लोकप्रिय किस्में जीनस केटेनोसेफलाइड्स से संबंधित हैं, और वे मीठे पानी की झीलों और दक्षिण और मध्य अमेरिका की धाराओं में पाई जाती हैं।

There are three main types of goldfish: South American, Black, and Red. Each of these varieties has its own respective physical appearance, habits, and colorings. The physical features of a goldfish can help you determine its nature. All of these varieties look alike except for the color of some varieties. The more popular varieties of goldfish are the ones belonging to the genus Ctenocephalides, and they occur in the freshwater lakes and streams of south and central America.

Ctenocephalides are said to belong to the genus Ctenocephallus, which is a smaller family of fishes. This fish usually reaches a length of around 2 feet. It is mostly gray, with dark-colored blotches on its white belly. Its dorsal fin stands erect on the upper part of its back. The snout is used to hold the fish's head in place.

Ctenocephallus hypanatum belongs to the same family as Ctenocephallus, but it is smaller than the latter. It normally grows to be no more than six inches in length. Hypanatum goldfish belong to the same genus as the common goldfish and are also used as pets. Hypanatum belongs to the same family as the common goldfish, and both these fish are used as pets.

What is the scientific name of goldfish that belongs to the genus Ctenocephaloides? This fish belongs to the same family as the common goldfish and is also commonly used as a pet. The scientific name of this goldfish is Ctenocephaloides hypanatum. The most distinguishing feature of this goldfish species is that it possesses a purple pigment surrounding its entire body. In addition to the purple color, this fish possesses a dorsal fin and a tail.

What is the scientific name of goldfish that belongs to the genus Ctenocephaloides but cannot be seen in a common tank? This fish belongs to the Order: Cichlidae. It was previously thought that this goldfish belongs to the genus Scubas, but it is not. Instead, it is now believed that the goldfish belongs to the genus Ctenocephaloides.

What is the scientific name of goldfish that belongs to the genus Discus? This goldfish belongs to the genus Squilla. It was formerly thought that this goldfish belongs to the sub-order of Carpio, but it is not. It has been observed that the scales of Squilla differ from those of Carpio.

What is the scientific name of goldfish that belongs to the genus Epimedium? This goldfish belongs to the sub-order: Ceratio. It was previously thought that this goldfish belongs to the genus Epimedium, but it is not. It has been observed that the coloration of Epimedium differs from those of other members of the sub-order.

What is the scientific name of goldfish that belongs to the genus Oenathe sarmentosa? This goldfish belongs to the family: Asteriones. It has been previously thought that this goldfish belongs to the genus Xenopus, but it is not.

What is the scientific name of a goldfish that belongs to the family: Diplodontidae? This goldfish belongs to the genus Platybella. It was previously thought that this goldfish belongs to the sub-order: Ceratocypris. However, it was observed that the body shape of this goldfish closely resembles that of the sea slug, i.e., the spiny back snail. Thus, it is also called the spiny snailfish.

What is the scientific name of a goldfish that belongs to the genus: Plankton? This goldfish belongs to the sub-order: plankton. It has been previously thought that this goldfish belongs to the genus Homysoma. However, it was observed that the body shape of this goldfish closely resembles that of the clown fish, i.e., the rock star. Therefore, it is also known as the clown fish or the blue bottom dweller.

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